The issue

Forests in Switzerland primarily serve the purpose of wood production – they are practically protected for this reason alone. However, forests fulfill vital functions for biodiversity and the environment: They stabilize the soil, purify the air we breathe, regulate the sources of springs, and filter water. They serve as a habitat for countless animal, fungal, and plant species and even hold back avalanches. For humans, forests bring incredible health benefits by reducing cortisol levels (the stress hormone), lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and more. “Forest bathing” (Shinrin-yoku in Japanese) is becoming a true remedy for the chronic stress of modern life.

Protecting forests thus means protecting life on earth and ensuring a balanced coexistence between humans and nature. In Switzerland and elsewhere, forests are threatened by overexploitation, by the expansion of human activities, and now also by climate change.


Our project

Fondation Franz Weber aims to enhance the protection of forests in Switzerland and, wherever possible, preserve specific areas to allow nature to regenerate and develop freely.

For instance, we lease a section of forest in Mühlberg to protect it from excessive logging. Jackdaws, the smallest crow species in Switzerland, find secure nesting sites and habitats in the majestic old beech trees.


Our goals

  • Improve the protection of forests in Switzerland.
  • Enable forests and biodiversity to regenerate and develop freely.
  • Raise public awareness of the importance of forests and the benefits they have for human health.

Facts and Figures


0 percent
(approx.) of drinking water in Switzerland comes from the forest
0 species
are estimated to depend on Swiss forests
0 5 million cubic metres
of wood are harvested on average each year in Switzerland
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