The issue

On 27 September 2019, the Swiss Parliament passed an amendment to the “Swiss Federal Law on Hunting and the Protection of Indigenous Mammals and Birds” (in German: Jagdgesetz, JSG). The new law would have meant that protected species such as lynx, wolves, beavers and grey herons could be shot – before they had caused any damage and before any protective measures had been taken. In short, simply because they exist. In addition, the new wording of the law would have restricted the right of associations (in this case environmental organisations) to appeal, so they would no longer be able to advocate for wild animals. All this at a time when biodiversity is under the most unprecedented threat in the history of humankind! Swiss nature and animal welfare organisations therefore resorted to a referendum appealing against the revised hunting law, in an attempt to ensure that species conservation in Switzerland is not watered down.

Our project

Fondation Franz Weber supported efforts to collect signatures to hold a referendum against the hunting law, which ‒ thanks to the valuable support of our sponsors ‒ reached 65,000 signatures.

On 27 September 2020, the vote was finally held. And Swiss voters rejected the hunting law by 51.9 per cent. Now, shooting protected species “just because” will not become a reality. This “No” vote lays the foundation for revising the JSG in such a way that it can finally bring real improvement to species conservation – for the good of wild Swiss animals under threat.

Representatives from the “No to the Hunting Law” committee have announced the submission of a parliamentary initiative for a “hunting law with a sense of proportion”. Together with the other environmental organisations, FFW will campaign for a hunting and conservation law that affords our wild species – threatened by agriculture, global warming, extreme weather conditions and destroyed habitats – the protection they deserve.


More information:

Our goals

  • Win the referendum against the wayward new hunting law
  • Ensure protection of Swiss wildlife and its habitats
  • Fight the weakening of species conservation in Switzerland

Facts and Figures


0 per cent
of Swiss residents say ‘no’ to the killing of wolves
0 signatures
have been collected for the referendum
0 January
2020 was the submission date of the collected signatures
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