M. V. Biondo, Quantifying the trade in marine ornamental fishes into Switzerland and an estimation of imports from the European Union, Glob. Ecol. Conserv. 11 (2017) 95–105.
M. V. Biondo, Importation of marine ornamental fishes to Switzerland, Glob. Ecol. Conserv. 15 (2018) 95–105.
S. Ndobei, I. Yasiri, A.M. Moore, M.V. Biondo, S.J. Foster, Study to assess the impact of international trade on the conservation status of Pterapogon kauderni (Banggai cardinalfish). Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species CITES, Animals Committee AC 30 (2018).
M.V. Biondo, R.P. Burki, Monitoring the trade in marine ornamental fishes through the European Trade Control and Expert System TRACES: Challenges and possibilities, Mar. Policy (2019) 108 (2019) 103620.
M.V. Biondo, The Impact to Reefs of The Trade in Marine Ornamental Fishes. REEF ENCOUNTER The News Magazine of the International Coral Reef Society. (2019) 34, 44-48.
M.V. Biondo, R.P. Burki, A Systematic Review of the Ornamental Fish Trade with Emphasis on Coral Reef Fishes — An Impossible Task. ANIMALS (2020) 10(11), 2014.
M. V. Biondo, R. Calado, The European Union Is Still Unable to Find Nemo and Dory-Time for a Reliable Traceability System for the Marine Aquarium Trade. ANIMALS (2021).
M.V. Biondo, R. P. Burki, F. Aguayo, R. Calado, An updated review of the marine ornamental fish trade in the European Union. ANIMALS (2024).